Performing Arts

Are you studying Performing Arts at school or college? Do you enjoy it and want to know more about where it could take you in the future? Well, you’re in the right place!

When you finish school or college, studying Performing Arts at higher education level can open the door to a variety of jobs and careers. You may want to perform, becoming an actor, singer or dancer, but you may also want to consider related subjects or have more of a backstage role. Perhaps you’re considering sound engineering or production design. Or how about using other skills and becoming a stage manager or theatre critic? Performing Arts related subjects are brilliant for developing a wide range of transferrable skills.

So, if you like Performing Arts and it’s The Right Fit for you – why don’t you see where it can take you?

Still interested? Why not take a closer look. Explore our downloadable booklet below or alternatively click the link to view the booklet online.


These materials have been developed by The University of Reading for Study Higher.


